주간아이돌 - 원더걸스 (Wonder Girls) Dancing Sunmi Dance
(WeeklyIdol EP.211) Wonder Girls Dancing Sunmi Dance
선미 성격 너무 좋앜ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Sunmi looks sooooo much prettier with long hair
They both finally got Sunmi on the show to demonstrate their favorite song/dance.......and she forgets it
Yubin and yeeun both have two different auras. Yeeun danced ever so sweetly, and yubin, even tho she moved ever so slightly but damn she's sexy
ohgosh Yubin... she doesn't have to do anything, she could just sit there and breathe and she would still be the hottest person alive. Love her outfit and the shoes! Does anyone know where to get these (especially the shoes)?
유빈언니 요즘 연애하는지 진짜 눈빛 몸짓 하나하나가 성숙미 물씬, 분위기 너무 예쁘다 진짜 ㄷㄷ하넴
여자가 봐도 이래 조으니ㅠㅠ 유빈언니 좀만 더 격렬하게 춰주세요. 그럼 섹시미 완전 폭발할 듯♥□♥
이제는 현아가 원더걸스 였던거 모르는 세대도 있겠져
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