일본 연예인
[First Pitch] Inamura Ami is a 102-kilometer-long ball! !! in Yokohama Stadium - Japan - 이나무라 아야미
2018. 2. 24. 01:28
[First Pitch] Inamura Ami is a 102-kilometer-long ball! !! in Yokohama Stadium - Japan
Japan's gravure model, idol and poetry expert.
He debuted for the first time in the first year of high school in 2012, and took a gravure picture in 2014. In fact, it was a celebrity who was close to obscurity in Japan, but raised the awareness with an advertisement.
This advertisement has raised the awareness of such gravure idols so much that they are appearing in various aspects such as musicals, radio, burr writer programs, and drama cameos.
He debuted for the first time in the first year of high school in 2012, and took a gravure picture in 2014. In fact, it was a celebrity who was close to obscurity in Japan, but raised the awareness with an advertisement.
일본의 그라비아 모델.
그녀는 2012 년 고교 1 학년 때 처음으로 데뷔했으며 2014 년에 그라비어 그림을 찍었습니다. 실제로 일본에서 거의 알려지지 않았지만 광고로 인지도를 높였습니다.
Toyota G 's advertising video. At 1 minute and 40 seconds, a woman wearing a gray suit and a bat is Iamura Ami. I was attracted by the perfect shooting style of the pro-athlete's class, and the viewers who watched it became famous by calling it "God's swing". In fact, Inamura Ami worked as a baseball player from the first grade of elementary school to the third grade of junior high school, and has experience as a pitcher and first baseman in the senior league. If you hit South Korea, you will be well qualified in baseball.
Toyota G의 광고 비디오. 1 분 40 초, 회색 양복과 박쥐를 입은 여성이 Iamura Ami입니다. 나는 프로 운동 선수의 완벽한 슈팅 스타일에 매료되었고, 시청자는 그것을 "신의 스윙"이라고 부름으로써 유명 해졌습니다. 실제로,이나 무라 아미는 초등학교 1 학년부터 중학교 3 학년까지 야구 선수로 일했으며 고위 리그의 투수와 1 루수로서의 경험을 가지고 있습니다.
This advertisement has raised the awareness of such gravure idols so much that they are appearing in various aspects such as musicals, radio, burr writer programs, and drama cameos.
이 광고는 그런 그라비아 아이돌에 대한 인식을 너무 높여 뮤지컬, 라디오, 버 (burr) 작가 프로그램 및 드라마 카메오와 같은 다양한 측면에서 활약 중 입니다.